I didn’t want to show up today.

I didn’t want to show up today.

But I did.

My mood today has been “blah” 😑 to say the least and I wanted to simply curl up and bed and sleep the day away. 

I felt myself slipping into the “nothing is working and I’m a failure” space and I could have scrolled through social and avoided all the things. 

Instead I sat and journaled to see where the “meh” was coming from.

I’m in this tipping point place and I’ve been here so many times before- Where I’m doing all the things and the results are not as quick as I want. I could quit, so easily. I’ve quit it before. 

Or I could remind myself of why I started and focus on the things that ARE working and celebrate my small successes. 

It’s what I teach my clients to do, so I better walk the talk. 

And the best way to shift the mood…

A dance party. 


Giving tips and strategies for free in your content will not stop people from buying from you. 


Your dream life cannot be Amazon Primed to your front door.