If it’s important to you…

If it’s important to you, you’ll find the time. If not you’ll find an excuse. 

I remember vividly the first time I read this phrase on another mom’s Facebook feed. I thought this mom was an inspiration until I read that post. My immediate reaction to the post was to send her a nasty PM and let her know she had no right to say such a thing to people and she had no idea what I was currently trying to juggle. 

And as I sat in my anger with this stranger, I realized, I also had no idea what I was currently trying to juggle. I honestly had no clue where my time was being invested and therefore it was no wonder I felt like there was never enough.

I allowed this post to change my life. 

In this moment of being activated (I prefer this over being triggered), I had a chance to choose. I could continue to buy into my victim story and become the villain and try to blame and manipulate the situation or I could become the hero of my own story…

I chose to become the hero. 

And in that moment, I decided that if I was going to use time as an excuse then I had to first get honest with where my time was going. 

The first thing I realized was I spent an exorbitant amount of time worried about laundry.  And so that became my first focus- how could I worry less about laundry? 

For me, I first came to terms with the fact that laundry would never be complete and then I switched from doing laundry every day to two days a week. 

The amount of time I found was life changing.

Question- doing you know what you’re spending your time doing? Because the time you spend on something shows how important it is to you.  


Illogical choices create infinite potential. 


Last year I made my nutrition a priority…