Overwhelm was my constant state.

Overwhelm was my constant state.

Until it wasn’t.

I definitely still get overwhelmed from time to time, but these days I handle it so much better.

When I feel the overwhelming creep in, I follow these few tricks to reset myself and get back into alignment.

  1. I slow my breathing and remind myself that I’m okay. 

  2. Once I’ve steadied myself, I’ll ask what’s causing the overwhelm. Once I’ve identified it, I have the ability to choose differently. Often times, the overwhelm is something silly and other times it requires a journaling session. But I always have a choice in my emotions.

  3. Sink into gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for and my gratitude practice is vital to my wellbeing. 

This took practice and it wasn’t something I mastered over night. The time dedicated to it has been absolutely worth it and allows me to live in more states of joy. 

Like today, I was overwhelmed by after school activities and while I was driving to the next soccer practice, I felt the overwhelm building and in moments, I reminded myself of how great it is that my kids practice less than 2 miles from my home. 

We always have a choice in which emotions we default to. 

If you desire to love more of your life and live with more ease and flow, reach out to. I’d love to support you. 



Look at how someone spends their time…


Peace doesn’t come after you’ve done enough.